The Power of 3D Printing

Design Department utilizes 3D printing

Technology seems to be gradually approaching the same level of magnificence as human imagination. Its advancement is one of two driving forces required to work simultaneously, with the presence of a motivated individual, for innovation to occur. Such an individual paired with the right resources could make anything possible. Whether it’s the manufacturing industry, educational institutions, or our team here at DDI, we understand innovation. Over the last 10 years, a massive technological advancement has come to aid design and innovation efforts through flexibility, cost effectiveness, and speed. '3-D printing', or 'additive manufacturing', has the ability to use raw materials and computer aided design data to change the scope of how a product journeys through its life cycle. Even more specifically, 3D printing has changed the prototyping process, and below we’ll give an overview of how this has happened.

The beauty of 3D printing compared to other technologies is that it's not limited to the same set of processes. When it comes to designing products using 3D printing, computerized software makes it possible to develop custom geometrical shapes that wouldn’t otherwise be possible through standard manufacturing practice and technology like molding and tooling. With 3D printing, users are able to go from CAD file to a real, physical object. Of course, this is where the fun begins with rapid prototyping.

Rapid Prototyping

Rapid Prototyping is where 3D printing has made its mark. Designers, engineers, and entrepreneurs have found a sweet spot when it comes to 3D Printing. Its capabilities enable users to collect more significant amounts of data, in a drastically less amount of time, with a monumental lower cost before this technology became relevant. Rapid Prototyping is generating non-finished prototypes quickly and cost effectively to test ideas for future iterations to collect more data in a cost effective manner.

The average person who hasn’t utilized this technology may be uncomfortable. 3D printing machines also may sound difficult to use, maintain, and afford financially. Fortunately, this was something the minds behind the technology were able to get ahead of over the last 10 years. Now, 3D printing is easier to use than ever before, and cost of ownership is more reasonable than expected. All that is required to use a 3D printer is someone who is willing to follow simple steps that are offered in training provided with the purchase of a 3D printing machine.

When it comes to 3D printing, there is so much that continues happening as a result of innovation progressing. Design Department Inc. houses a team of engineers who have exceptional skill in utilizing CAD software and 3D printing machines to rapidly prototype and execute the perfect design for clients. We are excited to bring more insight into how we utilizes 3D printing for our projects, and are here to answer questions on your journey in finding a prime prototype.

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